Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise noted, all documents, photographs, and other files on this server are copyright © 1993-2005 by F. E. Potts, All Rights Reserved.

Special Permissions

Individual chapters from the Guide to Bush Flying (along with their accompanying illustrations) may be downloaded, copied, and printed for personal, non-commercial use as long as the copyright notice at the end of each chapter is kept with the contents of the chapter, and the text is not altered in any way. If any of these chapters or illustrations are reposted on other servers, a link to this server must be included, along with email notification of the reposting. For both commercial reprint rights and notification, please contact F. E. Potts at the email address located at:

The article Bear Attack may also be downloaded, copied, and printed under the same terms as the Guide to Bush Flying.

The novella PDU-1 (in HTML, PDF, or PostScript format) may also be downloaded, copied and printed under the same terms as the Guide to Bush Flying. The copyright notice at the beginning or end of each chapter (or block of text, depending on format) must not be removed, or the text altered in any way. For commercial reprint rights, please contact F. E. Potts at the email address located at:

You may also download both the PDU-1 Cover Art and the two maps, as long as they are not used for any commercial purpose. If you repost any of this art on another server, you must keep the copyright notices with the art, and provide links on the same page as you post the art to the following two servers:

Additionally, if you repost any of this art, please provide notice along with the URLs to the email address located at:

The essay Paint Me the End of an Era, and the short story The Land of Fata Morgana, may also be downloaded and printed under the same terms as the Guide to Bush Flying and PDU-1 as long as the copyright © notice is not removed.

Individual Copyrights

The copyrights on the four reviews of the Guide to Bush Flying, as well as the review of PDU-1, are listed on their respective pages.

$Date: 2005/05/17 21:00:13 $ Copyright © 2001 by F. E. Potts CSS XHTML 1.0 Strict